Thursday, August 24, 2006

Flying While Asian

The recent detention of 12 men of Asian (or as reported by media, resembling Pakistani or middle eastern or more correctly brown skinned) origin on the Nortwest flight and two men on the Manchester flight are lucid examples of a society that has gone crazy. It is now dangerous for an Asian man or woman (soon) to fly, drive, ride bus or train, or even eat or stand in a public place without being detained. All because the uneducated, paranoid majority (namely the white trash who are also likely to be in law and other government agencies) are scared. These folks had never used whatever brains they may have, and will never be able to think coherently. The media, again a bastion of ignorant bigots, adds fuels to the issue.

If the situation does not improve, perhaps, the same treatment ought to be meted out to all caucasians, whether they are Americans or Europeans travelling and present in Asian countries. An eye for an eye makes everyone blind but the blind cannot see color!