Friday, August 08, 2008

Apple is like habitual abuser!

Apple customers exhibit the same characteristics of an abuse victim. They always go back totheir abuser. I know it because I behave like that.

Ever since Apple came out with the Macintosh, I have bought an Apple computer almost every two years. Including the machines I bought through my workplace, I have owned 13 and probably will buy another three this year! That is 16 machines at an average price of $3,000 per machine - nearly $50,000 to Apple alone. Of course, add all other hardware and software the cost would double. So, what does Apple do in turn when I have a problem? They ignore or worse ask for more money!

Recently, our Powerbook G4, a 2004 purchase ($2700) failed its logic board. Specifically, the lower memory slot failed. Googling I found out that it has been a well known problem for this machine and Apple had a replacement program for a selected range of machines (mine was not in that range). I also learnt that there are at least another 4,200 people (see petition) who have reported the same problem and had not received any help from Apple.

I took the machine to the local Apple store and couple of technicians and an Apple Genius (all of them were extremely nice) tried to fix the unfixable problem. They suggested that I could send the machine to Apple to get the logic board replaced for little over $300. Had my extended warranty been still active (it expired two weeks prior to the visit) I may have got it replaced free.

A question that pops up is should Apple be doing the replacement for free anyway because (1) it seems the problem is more widespread, (2) I had an extended warranty on the machine that just expired, (3) Apple had a moral obligation to have informed the owners of the machine of the issue, (4) know that retaining a loyal customer is worth 10 times the cost of trying to gain a new one. Another question that comes to mind is, should Apple not know who their customers are? Every business strategy 101 teaches that. Had they kept track of their customers, much like the frequent buyers/fliers they would have had a tremendous advantage. Why does Apple not do it?

The PC people would have no such loyalty for the simple reason that they can buy another laptop for half the price they paid for the previous one. I use PCs too, so I know it is a fact. So, in the case of PCs, we do not let the vendor abuse us!

Monday, August 04, 2008

I have resisted until now to get into the election fray! The McCain team sending out tire guages for $25 contribution is enough!

I guess the best these traitors (Republicans) want us to do is fill our tires and measure them. They do not have any other significant thing to do or offer.

It is high time we bring out the acts of terror these Republicans have wreaked on the public. Let us start with the Savings and Loan crisis. McCain was a major figure in this fiasco that caused many to lose their life savings. The same team was at the controls when the current banking and mortgage crisis came about. We have not seen the bottom yet! If these were not terror acts what are?

The Republicans want to drill for oil now. They know and of course the public does not or does not want to know that no help will result because of this. Another example - when one of their attack dogs (Robert Novak) hits a homeless man and continues without stopping or rendering aid, these traitors are quiet! Why not put Mr. Novak on trial?

Vote these traitors out of power from every seat!