Saturday, January 29, 2011

With the Internet kill switch are we going to walk like an Egyptian?

I had not written much since a long time. This includes any type of writing, excluding emails and Facebook posts. A new year has come and the first month is nearly over! I have great hopes for the year. One of it is to start a software development unit to write mobile apps. Well, I have started with getting the tools (e.g., Appcelerator).

I wanted to make this posting an opinion piece on the Egyptian unrest and the switching off of the Internet. Egypt did what US is planning on doing. The US Senate panel recently approved the "Internet kill switch" plan. Even the self acclaimed democratic nation can institute policies that eventually turn the country into a totalitarian state. It is a sad progression from the days of George Washington and the early founders who revered freedom and liberty for all to the present. I believe we are on a race to the bottom regarding liberty and freedom.
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